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Announcement: ISCP 2019 Fu Foundation Young Scholars Essay Award

ISCP 2019 Fu Foundation Young Scholars Essay Award

The Charles Wei-hsun Fu Foundation and the International Society for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP) are pleased to announce the 2019 ISCP Essay Contest in Chinese Philosophy.

A total of three prizes of $2,000 each are offered for the best essays in the area of Chinese philosophy, including two awards for graduate students or junior faculty within five years of receipt of the Ph.D., one each in Chinese and English, as well as one award for a senior scholar, whose essay can be in either Chinese or English. Funding up to $1000 also will be provided for the winners to travel to the 2019 biennial ISCP conference at the University of Bern, Switzerland.

All awardees are required to attend the 2019 Bern conference of the International Society for Chinese Philosophy conference to present their winning essays.



The contest is open to scholars at all levels, including independent scholars. However preference will be given to junior scholars beginning their careers, such as graduate students or assistant professors within five years of graduation, and one senior scholar who require funding to attend the conference.


All submissions should be sent to iscp2019@philo.unibe.ch, with “Fu Contest Essay” in the subject line. Decisions will be rendered by separate committees of scholars, drawn from the membership of the International Society for Chinese Philosophy.

Previously published papers are not acceptable. Submissions in English should not exceed 5,000 words; submission in Chinese should not exceed 7,000 words. DEADLINE: March 1, 2019.


The purpose of the contest is to encourage young scholars who show promise of making important contributions to the study and development of Chinese philosophy or Asian philosophy related to Chinese thought, and to help senior scholars with financial limitations to present their work at ISCP conferences.

Submissions will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  1. CREATIVITY original philosophical insights, such as comparative analysis.
  2. COHERENCE a cogent, well-argued presentation.
  3. SCHOLARSHIP competence in dealing with philosophical texts and interpretations.

Please visit the Fu Foundation website to learn more about its programmes: http://www.charleswei-hsunfufoundation.net/birth.html

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